Chun Li, one of the preferred figures in the Street Fighter series. This specific Street Fighter Black Chun Li Costume package deal is constantly one of the hottest items on any cosplay store. If you are a fan of Street Fighter, this is the one you've been searching for and will absolutely look just excellent for your upcoming cosplay costume show.Certainly, Chun Li puts on silk stockings with dark color. However, most of the plain silk stockings in most cases have that strengthened part on its waist exposed because of high split on the cheongsam, making color division to be shown. Hence, it is very essential to choose specialized T-shaped silk stockings in order to have the strengthened part covered. You will have to get the black and brown silk stockings to really replicate Chun Li’s look. Black may be a better decision because once the stockings are stretched thigh width then the color may appear to be less brown. Make the boots for the street fighter costumes so that you can move freely; take an interest in white martin boots because they are comfortable and are available for a low cost. Replace the black shoe laces to white shoe laces and create the buckle fasteners on the top line. The holes to stringing technique can easily be fixed with the use of a small hammer. After you have completed the stringing then paint the plating paint. After you have completed the boots then all of the accessories must have been completed as well. To get the right look in pictures perform the “kicking movements” and if you’re looking for the right picture then enhance the contrast and brightness to further mimic the look in the video games. Street fighter costumes are worth the time and effort being that they do come out looking like the virtual character!
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