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Child stacking: The newest form of planking?

Child stacking: The newest form of planking?

Last week, a photo surfaced online in China, earning quite a few strong comments. But what was it of? Nothing more than a teacher posing with her class!

Why would anyone care about something like that?

Well, for some reason, the teacher decided to squish her students between gym mats–and then pose on top of the three-layer child pile! Kind of like planking, but without the hipsters.

Child stacking: The newest form of planking?

Apparently taken during class, the teacher sent the photo to the students’ guardians. While the teacher looked pretty excited about it, not all of the kids’ parents felt the same way. Though it’s hard to tell from the photos with the children’s faces blurred out, there was concern that it was hurting them.

“This was done as part of a class to strengthen the children’s resistance to heavy pressure and to foster their teamworking skills. They do it in Shanghai, too,” the teacher explained.

Now, we have no idea if that’s actually true or not, but some Chinese commenters seemed to think everything was fine:

The kids look happy, don’t they?

I don’t see what the big deal is. We played like this as kids!

Parents in China these days are too soft.

Child stacking: The newest form of planking?

Others weren’t so sure about it:

What about this is educational? This is abuse!

What the hell is “resistance to pressure?”

Is she stupid? Let’s put her in a freeze to strengthen her resistance to the cold.

While it’s certainly a surprise when you first see it, most of the kids look like they’re having a fun time! And with the mats there, we have a hard time imagining anyone would actually get hurt. But maybe we should all just avoid stacking kids in general. They’re not books after all.

Sources: ToyChan Net , Record China
Images: ToyChan Net , Record China


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