Miku, one of the popular characters in the Vocaloid series. This particular Vocaloid Miku White Cosplay Costume Dress is constantly one of the top sellers on our shop. It's undoubtedly the perfect choice for all the Vocaloid cosplayers! Be the sweetest and the cutest Lolita as you try to become to be heavily influenced by white style of fashion and clothing. You don’t have to worry because dressing up like a real cosplayer would not make you focus too much about what to do because you have, while you wear this white costume, you will adapt to mix and match the basic style and format and use lighter colors and childlike motifs in its design. Also check the weather reports before your event so you will not get soaked. The weather may not be vitally important to your event, but it’s good to keep it in mind. So you won’t spoil you great white costume and your full accessories of course.
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