Riku, a fictional figure in the Kingdom Hearts series. This specific Riku Cosplay Costume bundle is always one of the hottest items on our store. It's undoubtedly the best choice for all of the Riku cosplay fans! You will resolve and protect your teammates e no matter what happens in your cosplay event. Wear purple wig which can be also seen with bangs. You have the luxury to add as much accessories that will be needed and all are available here in Become the overbearing character towards those around you. Do not be afraid to speak your mind anymore. For sure your caring side will shine through. You will always show concern for others. Continue to value peace, and show your light and happy side. You will be praised as an excellent strategist. Do not be afraid to speak your mind anymore, you will be known as someone who has a caring side and will be able to show concern for others most of the time. Become generally overbearing and always shoe your caring side and concern to everyone. Enjoy cosplaying as you perfectly a bright, compassionate and cheerful cosplayer vibe. Show your sensibility as your sport your cosplay costume. Always perfectly place your safety to your teammates above your own and show romantic feelings and empathy to your loved ones. Express a great deal of loyalty and courtesy as you express your emotions. Order your costume only here on
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